Hearts of Darkness: American Protestants and the Doctrine of Original Sin, 1945-1965


日期: 二五年四月十三日


4月13日, 安德鲁Finstuen, 太阳城网赌平台历史系的太阳城官网生, presented work from his dissertation research in a talk titled “Hearts of Darkness: American Protestants and the Doctrine of Original Sin, 1945-1965.在他的演讲中, Finstuen discussed the intellectual discourse around the concept of human nature and sin as can be observed in the writings and speeches of Reinhold Niebuhr, Paul Tillich and Billy Graham and by examining the popular and specialized literature of that period. 尽管他们的受众各不相同, Fiinstuen argues that Niebuhr Tillich and Graham are connected in their views of sinfulness. He believes that the doctrine of original sin played a larger role than previously thought among lay believers regardless of age, 性别, 教派或教育. This argument offers a counterpoint to those who believe that the influence of theological worldviews, 尤其是在世俗信徒中, 在二十世纪中期在新教徒中逐渐减少. Finstuen argues that these conversations about the role of sin in human nature helped ordinary lay Protestants to make sense of the cataclysmic events they were witnessing in their present lives including economic instability, 抑郁症, 第二次世界大战和冷战的开始.