
Computer science faculty are engaged in research in a multitude of areas within artificial intelligence, 理论, 数据科学. 本科 students are involved in many faculty research projects through independent studies or honors projects. 




卡尔·麦克塔格太阳城官网了奇异几何与色同伦理论之间的联系, 和 what this connection reveals about the surprising relationship between topology 和 the arithmetic of algebraic curves. 具体地说, he is working to uncover higher genus generalizations of elliptic cohomology suggested by the exceptional geometry of the Cayley plane (和 categorifying moduli spaces of theta characteristics). He is also working to compute the homotopy type of the string bordism spectrum MO<8> at the prime 3, 基于计算机辅助计算的bp同源性, 被认为是霍普环. And he is working to formalize (in Coq) 和 apply machine learning to EHP 和 Adams spectral sequence calculations. 他还太阳城官网了曲率在数据分析中的新用途, 元胞自动机中的模式形成, 以及装订和音乐创作的计算和几何方面.

Traditional studies on network optimization problems focus on developing algorithms for the sequential setting where computations are done in a single processor. 今天, the scales of many real-world networks have grown to be so massive that a single processor cannot h和le all the computations efficiently, 要么是由于效率低下,要么是由于全球访问的不可行性. This has motivated the study of distributed 和 parallel algorithms for network optimization problems. 对于许多网络优化问题, we still do not know how to match the same solution quality of sequential algorithms efficiently in those settings. Hsin-Hao苏 is working on developing efficient distributed 和 parallel algorithms (with provable guarantees on the running times 和 the solution qualities) for a number of network optimization problems, 包括匹配, 聚类, 路由, 等. 



Most of 霍华德·施特劳宾's research has focused on the connection between finite automata 和 logic, 通过抽象代数的媒介. This has led to effective characterizations of the expressive power of many different logics for expressing properties of words that can be tested by finite automata. Outst和ing open problems center around extending this framework to regular languages of trees 和 forests; 和 using it to study low-depth circuit complexity.

Ilya Volkovich studies the role of r和omness in computation: given an efficient r和omized algorithm, 我们能否将其转换成具有相当效率的确定性? He also studies the fundamental question: what are the necessary 和 the sufficient assumptions for various cryptographic primitives? 最近,出现了一系列新的算法分析方法. 然而,其中许多方法需要广泛的背景知识. 教授的目标. 沃尔科维奇的太阳城官网是对分析的简化, 让更多的观众更容易接触到它, 包括本科生. Some of his work has already been incorporated into course curricula 和 included in algorithms textbooks.

Ilya Volkovich

人工智能 & 机器学习



塞尔吉奥·阿尔瓦雷斯 is working with undergraduate students 和 colleagues from the Connell School of Nursing 和 Tufts Medical Center on machine learning for heart activity data derived from wearable sensors, 旨在使家庭监测心力衰竭患者. 种子基金由太阳城网赌平台席勒太阳城官网所提供. He is also pursuing a more theoretical direction in machine learning involving the asymptotics of kernel functions 和 the associated reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces.

教授. 本托的太阳城官网包括理解如何通过网络解决问题. These networks can represent either communication constraints on a set of nodes that need to collaborate to solve a problem, 或者数学模型中变量之间的数学约束. 特别是, he has devoted much attention to networks in the context of graphical models 和 distributed optimization algorithms. 他的工作在机器人路径规划中得到了应用, 组合优化, 视频因袭, 计算机视觉跟踪, 和, 最近, 系统生物学. 教授. Bento is currently one of five PIs on a large interdisciplinary collaboration that aims to underst和 the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance. 这项合作涉及太阳城网赌平台生物系的van Opijnen实验室, 以及塔夫茨大学的一组太阳城官网人员, St. 裘德儿童医院,以及匹兹堡大学. 他们的联合太阳城官网得到了来自NIH/NIAID的1000万美元的U01资助.



数据在我们的日常生活中无处不在, 从日常人类活动到环境和社会经济指标. Making sense of data is becoming an important skill for everyone to underst和 ourselves better 和 make our society better.教授. 他的太阳城官网愿景在于数据的民主化, 降低每个人理解和交流复杂数据的障碍. He tackles this challenge by using visualizations as external cognition aids to help people see the unseen. 在人机交互的大背景下, 他的太阳城官网探索了与数据交互的创新方法, 超越传统专家系统,满足更广泛受众的需求.

像Siri和ChatGPT这样的技术只适用于世界上7000种语言中的少数几种. 艾米丽Prud 'hommeaux is using transformer neural networks 和 statistical approaches to help researchers 和 indigenous communities document 和 revitalize endangered 和 under-resourced languages. 

艾米丽·普拉德·<e:2>,助理. 教授. 计算机科学为编年史的欢迎补充拍摄.


Computer vision (CV) is the branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to reconstruct, 识别, 并重新组织来自输入图像的丰富信息. Especially automating biomedical image analysis with CV methods has dramatically accelerated both scientific discoveries 和 healthcare innovations.教授. 魏的太阳城官网重点是自然智能和人工智能之间的相互作用. 一方面,一方面, he has been developing novel 计算机视觉 methods to reconstruct a detailed wiring diagram of neurons from large-scale microscopy images, 揭示大脑的工作原理,加速脑部疾病药物的研发. 另一方面, he has been advancing neuroscience-inspired designs to enhance 计算机视觉 methods for video underst和ing applications. 除了, he has been contributing to open-source biomedical image analysis solutions to assist collaborators in biology, 心理学, 放射学, 和病理.

圆圆的太阳城官网主要集中在深度学习上, 计算机视觉, 以及人工智能在医疗保健和医学领域的应用. 她的工作引起了媒体的广泛关注, 出现在《太阳城官网》等媒体上, 华盛顿邮报, 英国广播公司, TechCrunch, 和Engadget, 等. 值得注意的是, her work on an AI-powered digital biomarker for the diagnosis 和 progression tracking of Parkinson's disease was 识别d as one of the top ten notable advances in medicine in 2022.





乔治·莫勒正在太阳城官网 NSF资助SCC项目 building low-cost gunshot detection devices to facilitate community led violence interruption efforts. 该设备利用变压器神经网络对树莓派上运行的音频进行分类. Violence interruption workers are then notified through a mobile phone application in real-time of gunshots in their communities 和 can potentially intervene to prevent retaliatory gun violence.