主要的 & 小


The film studies major applies the liberal arts tradition to the present-day culture of images and technologies. 电影史课程, 理论, and criticism enable students to become active, 有选择性的, and ethical participants in a world progressively more dominated by the media of visual communication.

太阳城官网-based studies in American and world cinema explore the mutual influence of the films and their respective diverse cultures and historic periods. Familiarity with several of the great films and filmmakers provides a basis for understanding the relationship between contemporary artists and industrial society. Each student will have an opportunity to apply this theoretical knowledge to the experience of film making and exhibition both through programs in scripting, 摄影, 生产, and 数字编辑; and through an extensive internship program in the Boston area.

Students are encouraged to widen and deepen their understanding of the medium through additional courses in art history, 工作室艺术, 剧院, 和沟通. While this film studies major provides a solid foundation for further studies and professional involvement in the industry, it also offers the liberal arts student a broad-based preparation for other career options.

Students interested in majoring in film studies should contact Professor 约翰Michalczyk, director of the Film Stuides Program, in Devlin 420 (617-552-3895).   


The film studies minor enables students to develop a basic awareness of film as a contemporary medium of communication.

The minor consists of six courses: Introduction to Film Art, 历史或批评的一门课程, 生产中的一门课程, and three electives in film studies which enable a student to design a personalized area of concentration.

Students interested in the film studies minor may contact Professor 约翰Michalczyk, director of the 电影太阳城官网 Program.


  • FILM2202电影艺术导论
  • 一门电影制作课程
  • 历史或批评的一门课程

The 电影太阳城官网 主要的 tab provides lists of film 生产 and film history/criticism courses. 查看在线目录 to learn which film studies courses are being offered during the current and forthcoming semesters (select "莫大学 of Arts and Sciences" from the "School" menu, and "FILM – 电影太阳城官网" from the "Subject" menu).

In addition to the three required courses as described above, film studies minors take three elective courses in the areas of filmmaking, 数字编辑, 编剧, 摄影, 电影历史, 或者是电影评论.

The courses for the film studies minor can be taken over a four-year period in any order convenient to the student's schedule.


联系教授 约翰Michalczyk, director of the 电影太阳城官网 Program, to learn about available semester-long internships.