
每年春天, the 太阳城网赌平台 贝尼尼奥和科拉松阿基诺奖学金 recognizes a BC junior with a strong academic record who has been actively engaged in Asian American issues and service to the Asian American community on or off campus.


由教员组成的选拔委员会, 工作人员, administrators and the previous scholarship winner reviews all applications. Finalists are selected on the basis of two main criteria:

  • Leadership and participation in activities, 校内或校外, 为他人服务, and that help strengthen the Asian American community and its contributions to the larger American society. (Community and service involvements may take many different forms, and are not in any way limited to participation in specifically Asian clubs or activities.)
  • Academic accomplishments as evidenced by strong grades, 丰富的课程选择, and the integration of academic interests with personal goals. 

We will celebrate all the finalists and announce the winner of the scholarship at a banquet in the late spring. 所有进入决赛的, 包括获胜者, will be presented with a book and a BC 书店 Gift Certificate worth $1000. The winner will also receive a scholarship of up to $25,000 for their senior year and the finalists will also win a small scholarship.

We will also be holding an info session about the scholarship on January 29, 12–2:00 p.m. 在西娅·鲍曼协会 & Intercultural Center Conference Room (Maloney 455).






贝尼尼奥和科拉松·阿基诺 were influential political figures and tireless advocates for democracy in the Philippines. Their leadership and commitment to public service provide admirable models for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.

Born to and inspired by his politically involved family, Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. (1932-1983) was a journalist who began his political career as the mayor of his hometown and later served as a senator (小贝尼尼奥·“尼诺”·阿基诺”). Aquino opposed the authoritarian rule of President Ferdinand Marcos by exposing and protesting the repression, 贫穷和腐败的政权. He was committed to fighting for justice and the rights of the Filipino people, which led him to be considered as a front-runner for the 1973 presidential election. 不幸的是, Aquino suffered for being a vocal critic of Marcos, 当他被监禁时, 被流放的, and later assassinated in 1983 (“尼诺阿基诺”). His unwavering sacrifice inspired countless individuals and ushered massive protests that propelled the movement for social justice in the Philippines. 暗杀之后, 阿基诺的合作伙伴, Corazon “Cory” Aquino (1933-2009) became the first female president of the Philippines in 1986 (科拉松·“科里”·阿基诺”). She was a symbol of change for the Filipino people and led the country towards democracy and national healing. The Aquino administration dismantled the authoritarian power structure by reinstating a bicameral Congress, 废除压制性的劳动法, 释放政治犯, and investigating human rights abuses under Marcos (科拉松·“科里”·阿基诺”). 在他们一生中, the Aquinos actively supported the rights and welfare of all individuals, 强调和平, 良好的领导, 以及公民自由.


  • 尹凯琳(2009)
  • 马拉克·优素福(2008)
  • 邝力(1007)
  • 黎静雯(2006)
  • 《太阳城网赌平台》(2005)
  • 莎拉·哈(2004)
  • Cindy Uh (2003)
  • 《太阳城官网》(2002)
  • 道恩·洛萨达(2001)
  • 希琳·扎曼(2000)
  • 朱迪·皮斯南特(1999)
  • 《太阳城官网》(1998)
  • 史蒂芬·金 & 乔斯林·曼努埃尔(1997)
  • 全杰克逊(1996)