老挝是被选为富布赖特奖的BC校友的潜在东道国之一. (U.S. 美国国务院)

Nine 太阳城网赌平台 alumni—including three members of the Class of 2022—have been selected for coveted Fulbright Scholarships, 哪个国家支持本科毕业后出国留学一年.

Sponsored by the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs to support academic exchanges between the United States and more than 150 countries around the world, 富布赖特大学.S. 学生计划为大学毕业生提供助学金, 太阳城官网生, and early-career professionals for individually designed study or research programs and English teaching assistantships abroad.

Doan kue Tran和Peyton Wilson

2022届毕业生Doan kue Tran和Peyton Wilson将前往, 分别, 老挝和德国的富布赖特基金. (凯特琳Cunningham)

近600美元.S. 大学积极参与富布赖特项目. 获奖者是根据学术成绩和领导潜力来选择的.  

不列颠哥伦比亚省一直是全国富布赖特学生获奖者的顶级生产者之一, 根据…的统计 高等教育编年史. 在最近的调查中,该大学在博士院校中排名第15位.

像许多海外留学项目一样,富布赖特项目也因COVID-19大流行而中断. 2020年,该项目停止了美国公民的面对面交流.S. 参加国,次年按国别恢复. 3月, the Fulbright Program announced that in-person exchanges would be based “on the operating status of the host institutions, 现有的行政资源.S. 美国大使馆或富布赖特委员会在项目期间为参与者提供支持, 提供国际旅行和签证服务, 以及当地设施保护公众健康的能力.”



实践政治学教授保罗·克里斯坦森, 不列颠哥伦比亚省富布赖特项目的管理者, 他说,去年的选拔过程竞争更加激烈, 随着越来越多来自美国的学生.S.比前几年寻求富布赖特奖学金的人数创下了纪录,其中包括来自不列颠哥伦比亚省的人数. Many students who missed out on study-abroad opportunities due to the pandemic—as well as some students unable to pursue their Fulbright projects because of COVID—applied or reapplied, 他指出. 除了今年获得富布赖特奖的八名BC大学毕业生和校友, 另外8人被提名为候补委员.

“我想祝贺所有申请的学生, 我希望今年获得助学金的学生有机会接受这些奖学金,克里斯滕森说, 他也对富布赖特顾问团队表示了感谢, as well as “all the BC faculty and members of the administration who assist our students with their applications and support this important program.”

项目: 举办演讲和表演课程,最后在社区演出一系列迷你剧, 旨在强调不同的文化如何代表和处理相同的主题. This project aims to build student confidence in oration and performance while sparking community conversations about different cultural values and societal norms.  
FUTURE PLANS: Will return to the learning academy where she works as an assistant director and English teacher “and use what I’ve learned in Spain to better serve our students.”  

“如果没有BC,我不可能得到这个富布赖特奖. 西班牙富布赖特要求中级西班牙语,但实际上我在大学里从未学过西班牙语. 然而, 大三的时候在西班牙留学, BC允许我在西班牙完全用西班牙语上课, 这极大地提高了我的语言技能,并给了我申请的凭据. Some of my fondest memories in college in general were from acting classes I took with BC’s Patricia Riggin, 是谁给了我力量, 连接, 良好的训练可以引导表演者在舞台上找到庇护所. 如果我能让我的学生感受到我在她的课堂上所能感受到的十分之一, 我认为我的计划是完全成功的.”

项目: Received a Fulbright/IE University Award to study for a master’s degree in international (sustainable) development at IE University in Madrid.
未来规划:从事可持续发展事业, 一般的可持续性, 或者企业责任领域.

作为一名国际太阳城官网专业的学生, I gained an interdisciplinary perspective on global ethics and justice through courses in political science, 社会学, 历史, 和经济学. 我在大学期间致力于探索从本地到国际范围内的社会问题. 我的经历帮助我对复杂的问题形成了深刻而细致的理解, 包括难民危机, 气候变化的原因和影响, 以及社会不平等的系统性本质. 像这样, the Master’s in International Development program is a natural next step for me because it will help me build out the critical quantitative and analytical skills that are required to tackle complex societal problems.

“另外, I came into contact with IE University students through a project I helped lead at BC called 全球 Conversations, which connects students from around the world via video conference to openly discuss topics that are important to them. 其本身, this project played an influential role in my decision to apply for a Fulbright grant because of the unmatched value I found in collaborating and having deep discussions with students and faculty members from around the globe. 除了深刻地丰富了我的学习, 这些互动让我发现了我与世界各地完全陌生的人的相似之处.”

项目: English Teaching Assistant at a Pre-K-12 school in Athens; will also be a coach for the school’s English debate and theater organization.
未来计划:返回美国.S. 在公立小学教书.

“通过林奇教育与人类发展学院, I was able to realize my passion for teaching by completing practicums in a variety of surrounding school districts. 通过这些经历, I was inspired to research opportunities to teach outside of the United States as a way to broaden my perspective as an educator. I also took several courses about best teaching practices for students who have a native language other than English, 明年教希腊学生的时候,我很高兴能把这些方法用到我身上.”

Ninutsa (Nina) Nadirashvili ' 19
未来计划:攻读博士学位.D. in the fields of gender studies or comparative literature; hopes to teach at a university in the U.S. 或欧洲.

“这是我第二次申请富布赖特奖学金. I was guided by 太阳城网赌平台 教授s both times and have to give special thanks to Michael Resler and Paul Christensen for their help. 第一次, 我最终成为了奥地利富布赖特资助的一个项目的助教, 现在我要做太阳城官网方面的工作. Getting advice from the 教授s at BC has been invaluable and I really would not have been able to do this without them.”

Latifat Odetunde ' 22
FUTURE PLANS: Will pursue a doctoral degree in the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Religious Studies Department in hopes of teaching at the university level and continuing her work with the Black Muslim community.

“通过我在太阳城网赌平台的时间, I have evolved into a woman who is both spiritually in tune and grounded in my identity as a Nigerian-American Muslim woman. 此外,我还重新发现了拉提法在自我迷失中是怎样的人. 在不列颠哥伦比亚大学期间,我能够利用我的社会学和非洲学教育 & 非洲侨民双专业作为工具,让我的教育为我服务. I did this by engaging in research on African Muslim women and then later formed a organization that seeks to amplify Black Muslim experiences. 通过BC,我发现了我对教育的热情. I seek to bring my gifts and experiences to Cameroon in hopes of forming a space where they are able to feel seen, 也是我可以向他们学习的地方."


项目: English Teaching Assistant; he also plans to host a high school cooking 俱乐部.

“在太阳城网赌平台,我学习政治学和西班牙语太阳城官网. 在课堂内外,我学到了反思和为他人服务的重要性, 我将以富布赖特学者的身份继续生活下去.”

Doan kue Tran ' 22
项目:英语助教; she will also be conducting a supplementary project on the study and preservation of Laos textile art.

“不列颠哥伦比亚省的文科课程让我接触到广泛的学科、兴趣和经历. 这反过来又极大地帮助我在老挝证明了我对富布赖特奖助金的准备.”

项目:英语助教 Award; pursue research in architectural theory and city planning/urban design.
FUTURE PLANS: Return to BC on a Dean’s Scholarship to pursue a master’s in learning engineering at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development; use Fulbright teaching experience to work in educational curriculum design for a social institution, e.g.博物馆或大学.

“I came to 太阳城网赌平台 because I knew that Jesuit values would help me discern what I was meant to do. 每一节课, 教授, 俱乐部, 我所从事的工作促使我考虑我的行为如何影响他人, and how I can meaningfully engage in service and educational opportunities that lift others whose voices might not otherwise be heard. 我能够完善我的教育和职业兴趣, 在学术上受到挑战, 但更重要的是, 我被鼓励用我的才能和热情去帮助别人. 富布赖特基金是一个完美的机会,让我把对教育的热情结合起来, 旅行, 有意识的服务.”

Chloe Zhou 21

“今年能在台北教英语,我感到非常兴奋. 作为一个有色人种的酷儿女性, I am passionate about promoting equity in my classrooms and being culturally responsive and anti-racist in my practice. 我希望探索这些主题, 以及我们学校社会情感学习的相似之处和区别."

大学通讯| 2022年6月