Faculty Directory

Judith Clair


William S. McKiernan '78 Family Faculty Fellow


Management and Organization


朱迪思·克莱尔(Judith claire)的太阳城官网重点是人口/社会身份.g., race, gender, social class) and inequalities in the workplace; on development and transitions in professional identities; and on positive organizational experiences such as hope and positive growth. Her gender- and diversity-focused research includes experiences of “cross-domain” identity change in first-time pregnant professional women; how social class background shapes how women understand their advancement into top organizational positions; how benevolent sexism during pregnancy effects workplace retention of women post-pregnancy; how professional women in STEM fields define and experience benefits from others’ inclusive leadership practices; and how individuals with invisible stigmatized identities manage those identities in the workplace.

克莱尔教授在组织如何有效地管理危机和关键事件,以尽量减少伤害和促进积极增长方面的太阳城官网也得到了认可, 以及她在教学法和同行评议过程方面的工作. 她的出版物出现在管理学和应用心理学的顶级期刊上,包括 Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Human Relations, Personnel Psychology, and Academy of Management Learning and Education. 曾获国家级和校级教学奖. She has taught courses on organizational behavior, leadership, gender, and multicultural diversity, equity and inclusion in organizations. 她教过本科生、MBA、博士和高管级别的课程.